2017年9月28日 星期四

Dr. Hao-Hueng Chang

Dr. Hao-Hueng Chang

Associate Professor, School of Dentistry, National Taiwan University
Attending Surgeon, Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taiwan
Principle Investigator, Laboratory for Animal Experiment and Hard Tissue Investigation

Dr. Chang is an associate professor of School of Dentistry in National Taiwan University. He is a clinician-scientist with interest in both basic and clinical research. Current research is focused on expression of some biomarker in oral cancer, tissue engineering and in vivo testing of biomaterial including innovative or new osteo-inductive scaffold and dental implant.

Topic: Recent advances in materials and technology of dental implant

Professional Experiences:
1996-2000, Resident, Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, National Taiwan University Hospital.
2000~Present; Attending Surgeon, Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, National Taiwan University Hospital.
2004-1009 Lecturer, School of Dentistry, National Taiwan University
2009-2014 Assistant Professor, School of Dentistry, National Taiwan University
2014- Present: Associate Professor, School of Dentistry, National Taiwan University

1.      Chen YJ, Yao CC, Huang CH, Chang HH, Young TH. Hexosamine-Induced TGF-β Signaling and Osteogenic Differentiation of Dental Pulp Stem Cells Are Dependent on N-Acetylglucosaminyltransferase V. Biomed Res Int. 2015;2015:924397. doi: 10.1155/2015/924397. Epub 2015 Oct 25.
2.      Yang KC, Kitamura Y, Wu CC, Chang HH, Ling TY, Kuo TF . Tooth Germ-Like Construct Transplantation for Whole-Tooth Regeneration: An In Vivo Study in the Miniature Pig. Artif Organs. 2015 Nov 18. doi: 10.1111/aor.12630.
3.      Yang KC, Wang CH, Chang HH, Chan WP, Chi CH, Kuo TF. Fibrin glue mixed with platelet-rich fibrin as a scaffold seeded with dental bud cells for tooth regeneration. J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2012 Nov;6(10):777-85. doi: 10.1002/term.483. Epub 2011 Oct 28.
4.      Wu TS, Tan CT, Chang CC, Lin BR, Lai WT ,Chen ST, Mark Kuo MYP, Rau CI , Jaw FH, Chang HH* ,B cell lymphoma/ leukemia 10 promotes oral cancer progression through STAT1/ATF4/S100P signaling pathway. Oncogene. 2015 Mar 5;34(10):1207-19.
5.      Wu YH, Chang JY, Chang HH, Chiang CP. Langerhans cells in a dermoid cyst epithelium lining. J Formos Med Assoc. 2016 Jan;115(1):57-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jfma.2015.08.014. Epub 2015 Oct 4.
6.      Chiang YC, Lin HP, Chang HH, Cheng YW, Tang HY, Yen WC, Lin PY, Chang KW, Lin CP. A mesoporous silica biomaterial for dental biomimetic crystallization. ACS Nano. 2014 Dec 23;8(12):12502-13. doi: 10.1021/nn5053487. Epub 2014 Dec 11.
7.      Yeh CC, Chang JZ, Yang WH, Chang HH, Lai EH, Kuo MY.NADPH oxidase 4 is involved in the triethylene glycol dimethacrylate-induced reactive oxygen species and apoptosis in human embryonic palatal mesenchymal and dental pulp cells.Clin Oral Investig. 2015 Jul;19(6):1463-71. doi: 10.1007/s00784-014-1370-7. Epub 2014 Dec 3.
8.      Chang CC, Chang KC, Tsai SJ, Chang HH, Lin CP. Neurogenic differentiation of dental pulp stem cells to neuron-like cells in dopaminergic and motor neuronal inductive media. J Formos Med Assoc. 2014 Dec;113(12):956-65. doi: 10.1016/j.jfma.2014.09.003. Epub 2014 Nov 12.
9.      Yao CC, Chang HH, Chang JZ, Lai HH, Lu SC, Chen YJ. Revisiting the stability of mini-implants used for orthodontic anchorage. J Formos Med Assoc. 2015 Nov;114(11):1122-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jfma.2014.08.001. Epub 2014 Sep 24.
10.  Wang YL, Chang CC, Chi CW, Chang HH, Chiang YC, Chuang YC, Chang HH, Huang GF, Liao YS, Lin CP. Erosive potential of soft drinks on human enamel: an in vitro study. J Formos Med Assoc. 2014 Nov;113(11):850-6. doi:
11.  Chang HH, Lee MS, Hsu YC, Tsai SJ, Lin CP.Comparison of clinical parameters and environmental noise levels between regular surgery and piezosurgery for extraction of impacted third molars. J Formos Med Assoc. 2015 Oct;114(10):929-35. doi: 10.1016/j.jfma.2014.02.003. Epub 2014 Mar 21.
12.  Chang HH, Wang YL, Chiang YC, Chen YL, Chuang YH, Tsai SJ, Heish KH, Lin FH, Lin CP.A novel chitosan-γPGA polyelectrolyte complex hydrogel promotes early new bone formation in the alveolar socket following tooth extraction.PLoS One. 2014 Mar 21;9(3):e92362. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0092362. eCollection 2014.
13.  Wu KJ, Huang GF, Chen CH, Chang HH, Deng YT. Cyclosporine A induces connective tissue growth factor expression in human gingival fibroblasts: suppression by epigallocatechin-3-gallate. J Formos Med Assoc. 2014 Nov;113(11):828-32. doi: 10.1016/j.jfma.2014.01.008. Epub 2014 Feb 20.
14.  Lin TC, Liao YS, Lee MS, Su PY, Chen YL, Chang HH*,Lin CPOptimal Parameters of Dental Ultrasonic Instrument Diamond Coating for Enamel Removal . Journal of Dental Sciences.Volume 10, Issue 2, June 2015, Pages 128–132
15.  Wang CY, Su MZ, Chang HH, Chiang YC, Tao SH, Cheng JH, Fuh LJ, Lin CP.Tension-compression viscoelastic behaviors of the periodontal ligament.J Formos Med Assoc. 2012 Sep;111(9):471-81.
16.  Lee JJ, Cheng SJ, Wang JJ, Chiang CP, Chang HH, Chen HM, Kok SH. Factors predicting the prognosis of oral alendronate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws: a 4-year cohort study. Head Neck. 2013 Dec;35(12):1787-95. doi: 10.1002/hed.23235.  Epub 2013 Mar 18. PubMed PMID: 23508560.
17.  Chen YY, Chen WP, Chang HH, Huang SH, Lin CP. A novel dental implant abutment with micro-motion capability-Development and biomechanical evaluations. Dent Mater. 2014 Feb;30(2):131-7. doi: 10.1016/ Epub 2013 Nov 14.
18.  Cheng SJ, Kok SH, Lee JJ, Yen-Ping Kuo M, Cheng SL, Huang YL, Chen HM, Chang HH*, Chiang CP. Significant association of SRC protein expression with the progression, recurrence, and prognosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma in Taiwan. Head Neck. 2012 Sep;34(9):1340-5.
19.   Chen YJ, Chung MC, Jane Yao CC, Huang CH, Chang HH, Jeng JH, Young TH. The effects of acellular amniotic membrane matrix on osteogenic differentiation and ERK1/2 signaling in human dental apical papilla cells. Biomaterials. 2012 Jan;33(2):455-63.
20.   Kuo TF, Lin HC, Yang KC, Lin FH, Chen MH, Wu CC, Chang HH. Bone marrow combined with dental bud cells promotes tooth regeneration in miniature pig model. Artif Organs. 2011 Feb;35(2):113-21
21.  Kok SH, Chang HH, Tsai JY, Hung HC, Lin CY, Chiang CP, Liu CM, Kuo MY. Expression of Cyr61(CCN1)in human oral squamous cell carcinoma: An independent marker for poor prognosis. Head Neck. 32(12): 1665-73. 2010
22.  Chang H.H., Chiang C.P., Hung H.C., Lin C.Y., Kuo Y.P. Histone Deacetylase 2 expression predicts poorer prognosis in oral cancer patients. Oral Oncology. Oral Oncol. 2009 Jul;45(7):610-4.
23.  Chang H.H. , Kuo Y.P. , Hung H.C., Lin C.Y., Chiang C.P. Expression of BCL-10 is significantly associated with the progression and prognosis of oral squamous cell carcinomas in Taiwan. Oral Oncology. 2009 Jul;45(7):589-93
24.  Lin S.K., Chang H.H., Chen Y.J., Wang C.C., Galson Deborah L , Hong C.Y., Kok S.H. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate diminishes CCL2 expression in human osteoblastic cells via up-regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase/Akt/Raf-1 interaction: A potential therapeutic benefit for arthritis. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 58(10): 3145-3156. 2008
25.  Wang C.C., Kok S.H., Hou L.T., Yang P.J., Lee J.J, Cheng S.J., Kuo R.C., Chang H.H.* Ectopic mandibular third molar in the ramus region: Report of a case and literature review. Oral Surgery,Oral Medicine,Oral Pathology,Oral Radiology,and Endodontology. 105(2): 155-61. 2008
26.  Kuo, T.F., Huang, A.T., Chang, H.H., Lin, F.H., Chen, S.T., Chen, R.S., Chou, C.H., Lin, H.C., Chiang, H., Chen, M. H. Regeneration of dentin-pulp complex with cementum and periodontal ligament formation using dental bud cells in gelatin-chondroitin-hyaluronan tri-copolymer scaffold in swine. J Biomed Mater Res A. 86(4): 1062-1068. 2008
27.  Chang H.H., Chen Y.J., Weng C.Y., Wong W.P., Chang B.E., Chen M.H., Yao C.C. * MMP-3 Response to Compressive Forces in vitro and in vivo. J Dent Res. 87(7): 692-6. 2008
28.  Liau F.L., Kok S.H., Lee J.J., Kuo R.C., Hwang C.R., Yang P.J., Lin C.P., Kuo Y.S., Chang H.H. * Cardiovascular influence of dental anxiety during local anesthesia for tooth extraction. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 105(1): 16-26. 2008
29.  Chen Y.H., Chang H.H., Chen Y.J., Lee D., Chiang H.H., Yao C.C. * Root contact during insertion of miniscrews for orthodontic anchorage increases the failure rate: an animal study. Clin Oral Implants Res. 19(1): 99-106. 2008
30.  Chen YJ, Chang HH, Lin HY, Lai EH, Hung HC, Yao CC. Stability of miniplates and miniscrews used for orthodontic anchorage: experience with 492 temporary anchorage devices. Clin Oral Implants Res. 19(11): 1188-1196. 2008
31.  Chen Y.J., Chang H.H., Hung H.C., Yao C.C. * A retrospective analysis of the failure rate of three different orthodontic skeletal anchorage systems. Clinical Oral Implants Research. 18(6):768-75. 2007
32.  Chang H.H.; Hahn L.J.; Yang P.B.; Hsieh B.S. Application of Levamisole in Recurrent Aphthous Ulcer: An Evidence-based Analysis. Formosan Journal of Medicine. 10(6): 752-760.2006
33.  Lai T.N., Lin C.P., Kok S.H., Yang P.J., Kuo Y.S. , Lan W.H., Chang H.H. * Evaluation of mandibular block using a standardized method. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 102(4): 462-8. 2006
34.  Chang H.H. *, Liu Y.M., Hahn L.J., Yang P.M., Hsieh B.S. Indication of Chlorhexidine (CHX) Mouthrinse: Evidence-Based Approach. Formosan Journal of Medicine. 10(4): 507-516. 2006
35.  Lee J.J., Kuo M.Y., Cheng S.J., Chiang C.P., Jeng J.H., Chang H.H., Kuo Y.S., Lan W.H., Kok S.H. Carcinoma and dysplasia in oral leukoplakias in Taiwan: prevalence and risk factors. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology. 102(4):462-468. 2006
36.  Hung P.C., Chang H.H., Yang P.J., Kuo Y.S., Lan W.H., Lin C.P. Comparison of the Gow-Gates mandibular block and inferior alveolar nerve block using a standardized protocol. J Formos Med Assoc. 105(2):139-46.2006
37.  Lee J.J., Kuo M.Y., Cheng S.J., Chiang C.P., Jeng J.H., Chang H.H., Kuo Y.S., Lan W.H., Kok S.H. Higher expressions of p53 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in atrophic oral lichen planus and patient with areca quid chewing. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontics. 99:471-478. 2005
38.  Lee J.J., Jeng J.H., Wang H.M., Chang H.H., Chiang C.P., Kuo Y.S., Lan W.H., Kok S.H. Univariate and multivariate analysis of prognostic significance of betel quid chewing in squamous cell carcinoma of buccal mucosa in Taiwan. Journal of Surgical Oncology. 91: 41-47. 2005.
39.  Chang H.H., Tseng H., Hsieh M.H., Huang C.Y., Chen Y.H., Hsu C.Y., Cheng W.M., Chen M.H., Chen S.R., Yao C.C. The effects of distraction osteogenesis on mandibular growth in growing minipigsa report on 3-D morphological changes. Plastic and Reconstructive surgery. 115: 2014-2024. 2005
40.  Cheng S.J., Lee J.J., Ting L.L., Tseng I-Yun; Chang H.H., Chen H.M., Kuo Y.S., Hahn L.J., Kok S.H. A clinical staging system and treatment guidelines for maxillary osteoradionecrosis in irradiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients. Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys. 2005
41.  Hu K.Y., Lin P.Y., Wu D.W., Chang H.H., Kuo Y.S., Lan W.H. Clinical and histological changes of a free radial forearm flap transplanted into the oral cavity- a case report.. Chinese Journal of Dentistry 1(1):54-60. 2005
42.  Chang H.H., Lee J.J., Yang P.J., Hahn L.J., Kuo Y.S. Effectiveness of an educational program in reducing the incidence of wrong-site tooth extraction. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontics. 98(3):288-294. 2004
43.  Wong W.P., Lee J.J., Chang H.H.*, Chang H.F., Lan W.H., Yang P.J. Craniofacial Differences In Patients with Angle’s Class I Malocclusion – The Comparison between childhood and adolecent. Chinese Dental Journal. pp97-104 23(2):97-104. 2004.
44.  Chang H.H., Lee J.J., Kok S.H., Yang P.J. Periodontal healing after mandibular third molar surgery – a comparison of distolingual alveolectomy and tooth division techniques. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 33:32-37. 2004.
45.  Lu W.C., Kok S.H., Kuo Y.S., Lan W.H., Chang H.H.* Analysis of dental emergencies in National Taiwan University Hospital: basic patient data. Chinese Dental Journal. 22(3): 251-264. 2003.
46.  Kuo S.C., Chang H.H., Kuo Y.S., Lan W.H., Kuo S.H.* Analysis of dental emergencies in National Taiwan University Hospital: study of first and subsequent patient visits. Chinese Dental Journal. 22(3): 265-278. 2003.

47.  Lee J.J., Kok S.H., Chang H.H., Lin C.C., Yang P.J., Hahn L.J., Kuo Y.S.* Repair of oroantral communications in the third molar region by random palatal flap. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 31: 677-680. 2002